Photo: Pixabay, Walkerssk
Photo: Pixabay, Walkerssk
PET plus


Three per cent growth in France

The 13.5 mio cats living in French households are the driving force behind sales in the pet supplies sector in France.
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A study published by the French association Promojardin/Prom'Animal has shown that sales in the French pet supplies market reached a value of 4.6 bn euros last year including value-added tax and e-commerce transactions. This equates to an increase of three per cent over the previous year.

Dogs and cats generate sales

The cat is the number one pet in France, accounting for 45 per cent of total sales. Sales in this category also exhibited the strongest growth, increasing by three per cent over the previous year. Broken down according to product type, accessories generated growth of four per cent and litter products as much as five per cent. In the cat food segment, dry food sales increased by three per cent and moist food sales by around two per cent.
In second place on the sales hit list in the French pet product market is the dog with a share of roughly 35 per cent of the market as a whole and growth of one per cent. Dog food sales remained steady compared with the previous year. Only the treat category grew, with an increase of two per cent, and dog toys at four per cent.

Light and shade

Aquariums are responsible for five per cent of overall sales, but this segment declined by three per cent compared with the previous year. The wildlife segment accounts for the same share of sales, but grew by one per cent, due in particular to nine per cent growth in sales of live animals.
A positive note was sounded for the small animal segment in that the marked decline evident up to 2017 has now slowed and the segment is static compared with 2017. Sales in this segment account for four per cent of overall sales in the pet product sector.
The cage bird segment declined by one per cent and now contributes three per cent to the total sales in the French pet supplies market. Sales of products for wild birds, on the other hand, increased by two per cent. In the last five years, this category has overperformed with average annual growth of eleven per cent.
To round off the picture, sales in the reptile segment fell by two per cent. The trend here has been significantly influenced by the new labelling requirements for non-native species.

Retail channels

Compared with 2017, e-commerce sales have increased by 21 per cent and contribute 12 per cent to overall sales. Sales in pet stores…
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