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Reptile remedies

In its new “Med Professional” range, Sera has brought five over-the-counter veterinary medicines exclusively for reptiles onto the market. The products were developed taking the special biology of reptiles into account, says the company, and are intended to offer solutions for various illnesses and infestations.
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Sera has taken a new direction in the terrarium supplies market with its "Med Professional" line of veterinary medicines, which are exclusively for reptiles. The five over-the-counter drugs, which are marketed as "Tremacestol", "Oxyspirol", "Eimerol", "Flagamol" and "Ophionol", were reportedly developed in house by scientists at the Sera Laboratory under the direction of Prof. Dr Günter Schmahl. They have been tested for their practical suitability in collaboration with the Deutschen Reptilien-Zentrum in Springe. The remedies are intended to offer terrarium owners a comprehensive package of solutions for illnesses and infestations in their pets. "Tremacestol", for example, should help to combat digenea flukes and tapeworms. These so-called trematodes and cestodes attack primarily snakes and other carnivorous reptiles. If these pets should show signs of loss of appetite, limited vitality and reduced growth, then once the diagnosis is confirmed, the active agent Praziquantel is used, which has long been tried and tested, according to Sera, and is contained in Tremacestol. The stool investigation preceding the use of the drug should be carried out either by a specialist veterinary surgeon or by the Sera Laboratory, says the company.Remedies for lung mites and other parasitesIf the pet is suffering an infestation of intestinal nematodes (threadworm), on the other hand, it exhibits symptoms that may range from digestive disorders to weight loss. In this case, the company recommends the use of "Oxyspirol". The remedy should also help to combat lung mites, which are recognisable primarily by laboured or whistling breathing sounds and the mouth open in the relaxed position. The pet may also be infected with so-called coccidia (spore forming parasites). These single-celled parasites frequently infest the bile duct as well as the kidneys and intestine of the creature. Signs of infestation by these dangerous parasites include loss of appetite, diarrhoea and weight loss. In the worst case, coccidia infestation in reptiles can even result in death. Sera says that "Eimerol" is best used to combat this type of infection. According to the company, the active agent in this drug, Diclazuril, specifically combats the disease and is well tolerated by all reptiles.Another disease that calls for the use of drugs in reptiles is infestation by amoebae and flagellates, which are frequently occurring parasites in terrarium species. While tortoises come through the infection without…
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