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“We want to grow in every country”

Iams Pet Food will continue to supply pet food only to the UK and Italian grocery retailing sector in Europe, according to Dennis Patrickson, Director of Customer Business Development, in an interview with PET in Europe

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PET in Europe: Do you think that the worldwide economic depression could stop the ongoing trend towards nutritional products and would support a trend towards cheaper pet food?
Dennis Patrickson: We believe that the prospects for the super premium dry food sector in general, “Eukanuba” and “Iams” in particular are very promising. We believe the factors which support this thinking are firstly that this segment is relatively new and we are offering the prime prospect, concerned pet owners, more than ‘traditional’ pet food with sophisticated nutritional formulas that have a significant impact on improving the health and well-being of their cats and dogs. Additionally, there is a growing pet owner understanding that these products offer great ‘value for money’, and the ‘greying’ of the pet owner in Europe with more disposable income. The historical trend shows this sector has shown strong growth versus total pet food, even during a period of recession.
PET in Europe: What in your opinion are the main differences between the American and the European pet food market?
Dennis Patrickson: We see differences in the split of the markets between wet canned food and dry nutritional food, with dry food having a greater share of the total market in the US, and canned food in Europe. However, as you know the same growing trend towards dry food applies generally in Europe, but we are not yet at the US levels. There is not really one average ‘European’ pet food market with differences between the different countries. In the US the speciality retailers are more concentrated into chains, and while we see this trend also in Europe, we believe it will take a substantial number of years to develop to the same level.
Dennis Patrickson together with Iams’ regular office dogs Tog, the working cocker, and Talisker, the Bernese mountain dog. 
PET in Europe: What strategy is The Iams Company adopting to achieve further growth in Europe?
Dennis Patrickson: Firstly, we have invested heavily in research in the Iams Company to ensure that our products are the benchmark for nutritional excellence. We still see great potential in the speciality retailer market in almost every country in Europe and we will work market by market to have the right plans in place to work successfully with retailers in those countries with “Eukanuba” and “Iams”. We are keenly aware of the development of some leading-edge retailers in this sector who are also very important. We also believe that the professional…
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