training programme

Tiendanimal and Royal Canin go into schools

The Tiendanimal Educa 2.0 workshops are personalised, free of charge and run in collaboration with Royal Canin.(Source: Tiendanimal)
The Tiendanimal Educa 2.0 workshops are personalised, free of charge and run in collaboration with Royal Canin.

The Spanish pet shop chain Tiendanimal is launching a new version of the Tiendanimal Educa training programme in collaboration with Royal Canin. With this initiative, the companies want to visit different schools across Spain to raise awareness and educate future pet owners about responsible pet ownership, the most important care and ultimately the promotion of their welfare.

The programme will initially cover six regions of Spain, including cities such as Madrid, Malaga, Barcelona, Seville, Leon, Lugo and Albacete. The training, which is designed to be simple and practical, includes useful content on the responsible care of dogs, cats and other pets. Aspects such as basic care, feeding, physical activity, hygiene, medication, deworming, vaccination and sanitation, as well as adoption awareness are part of the curriculum.

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