PET plus

All-time high in US pet ownership

The US pet industry is faring well. The number of pet-owning households is keeping pace with the US population, which increased by over 2 per cent in 2010.
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According to the new 2011-2012 National Pet Owners Survey by the American Pet Products Association (APPA), the number of US households that own a pet has increased by 2.1 per cent to an all-time high of 72.9 million.Since the inception of the APPA National Pet Owners Survey in 1988, dogs and cats have accounted for nearly three-quarters of all households that own a pet. The actual number of pet-owning households is significantly higher than it was 20 years ago, as is the overall number of US households. While the actual number of households owning any type of pet has increased in the past 20 years, the proportion of ownership has remained relatively stable.Both the number of pet-owning households and those with multiple pets have contributed to the overall rise in total pet ownership. According to the survey, there are more than 78 million dogs, 86.4 million cats, 151.1 million freshwater fish, 8.61 million saltwater fish, 16.2 million birds, 16 million small animals, 13 million reptiles and 7.9 million equines owned in the US. Approximately four out of ten pet-owning households in the US are multiple pet owners."Although the economy has been a major factor for many industries, the pet industry continues to see unprecedented growth and diversity. The survey reveals pet owners are willing to spend money on their pets despite a downturn in the economy," said Bob Vetere, president of APPA. "More products and services are available than ever to assist in responsibly caring for a pet, so it is becoming increasingly easier to add another pet to your household."Dog owners spent the mostExcluding equines, dog owners spent the most to purchase their pet at $364, which is significantly more than the price reported in 2008 ($121). The increased price of pure breed dogs is definitely a contributory factor to this increase. The greatest expenses for dog and cat owners are food, kennels/boarding, routine veterinary visits and surgical veterinary visits. The greatest expenses for freshwater fish owners are ponds and the expenses associated with owning them. Saltwater fish owners spend the most each year on aquariums, aquarium stands and other supplies. The greatest costs associated with owning a bird are cages, routine veterinary visits and surgical veterinary visits. Owners of small animals and reptiles paid the most for food, other supplies and routine veterinary visits. The greatest expenses for equines are trainers/exercisers, farriers, routine veterinary visits and…
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